"How refreshing for the autism community! A place that caters to social skills building in a way that is engaging and truly enjoyable. My daughter has thoroughly enjoyed each session and I can already see her blossoming even more from our time here. Karen and Julie, you are both super awesome!"

-Kendra (parent of daughter who attended NLC)

 "NLC has been a great resource for me and so many others; I never hesitate recommending their services to families in CCSD. So often, social skills are something teachers take for granted, expecting kids to come to school having. Many teachers allocate very little time to teaching these skills which are deficits areas for our a lot of our kids. Our students need direct, explicit, systematic instruction of social skills, just like they require it for any other skill. NLC fills in the gaps sometimes left by well-meaning teachers who have a lot of curriculum to teach and push social skills to the side. We can't take friendships and reciprocal relationships for granted in our kids. They don't often happen organically. NLC gives kids the skills they need to make and sustain meaningful relationships in their lives. What could be more important than that?"

-Monica Figura, former self-contained autism teacher, CCSD

 "NLC is a wonderful program for autistic teens and young adults to practice and progress their social and life skills in real situations yet still have the guidance they may need to learn. A much needed gap is filled for the autistic community through this program."

-Kimberly (parent of son who formerly attended NLC)

 “So much of the research and individualized education is geared towards early interventions. NLC is that missing link between school and the community. This is the next step in advocating for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder to continue individualized education in social, behavior, and communication skills to increase the overall quality of a person’s life.”

-Cesar Zuluaga, UNLV Letter of Appointment  

“As a POST teacher, I am so glad to see that there is a program which builds upon the skills students with autism learn while in the Clark County School District.  Next Level Connections makes the transition from school to the community seamless."

 -Joseph Gaglione, Postsecondary Opportunities for Students in Transition (POST) teacher, CCSD

"NLC provides a behavioral therapy model that does not currently exist for the population of young adults with autism in Clark County. NLC teaches the skills needed to experience positive, social relationships in order to be active members in the community. NLC helps increase self-esteem, self-respect, and promotes healthy relationships needed to improve the quality of lives."

-Jenna Lenoir, Middle School Teacher, CCSD